Even after a pimple goes away, it can leave behind an unpleasant reminder in the form of an acne scar. These scars can affect a person’s self-image and may remain for years after the initial breakout. Fortunately, there are many different methods for treating these scars. The treatment that works best for you will depend on the type and severity of your scarring.

Laser treatments, either ablative or nonablative, are among the most effective treatment options for improving the appearance of acne scars. In fact, one study showed that a combination of nonablative laser treatment and microneedling bipolar RF improved the appearance of ice-pick acne scars more than either treatment alone [21].
Other skin treatments include chemical peels, which can improve the appearance of some types of atrophic scars (scars that are flat). However, some peels do not work as well on dark skin, so you may need to try several before finding one that works for you.흉터치료
Soft tissue fillers can improve the appearance of some atrophic scars by adding volume to the skin. This technique is particularly useful for ice-pick and boxcar scars. A dermal filler typically involves the injection of a substance like hyaluronic acid, which can help plump up the skin and diminish the appearance of a scar.
Surgical techniques can also be used to treat acne scars, especially ice-pick and rolling scars that appear wavy under the skin’s surface. Punch excision, which uses small tools to cut out the scars and then stitch up the wound, can be effective in removing ice-pick and boxcar scars, as can subcision, which involves inserting needles into the skin to loosen the fibrous tissue that forms an atrophic scar.여드름흉터치료
Dermatologists are experienced in a variety of acne scar treatments and can determine the best option for you based on your skin type and the type and severity of your scarring. They can also recommend techniques for home care that will help to prevent the recurrence of acne scars, such as applying sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher daily and cleansing the face thoroughly.
There are also a number of informally run message boards and blogs on the internet that offer advice on covering up acne scars with makeup. Camouflage make-up that is specifically designed to hide scars can be helpful and is available over the counter at pharmacies. You can ask your dermatologist for recommendations on specific products or visit a beauty salon that offers these services.