Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is unpleasant and embarrassing for many people. It is a common problem that affects 80 million people worldwide, and can be caused by a number of different factors.
Getting rid of bad breath can be a challenge, but there are ways to improve your oral health and help prevent it from occurring in the first place. The best way to fight odor-causing bacteria in the mouth is with regular brushing and flossing, plus using an antibacterial mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine (Cepacol) or sulfur dioxide. 입냄새치료
Eating the wrong foods can lead to bad breath, and avoiding certain types of food can be an effective way to stop bad breath. Avoid spicy, garlic-smelling or onion-laden foods; these ingredients can cause a buildup of foul-smelling gases in the stomach and digestive tract that can cause smelly breath.
Alcohol, tobacco and chewing gum can also irritate the mouth, causing the formation of a thick film of plaque that traps food particles and produces smelly bacteria. Drinking plenty of water helps keep the mouth hydrated and cleans away food particles and bacteria that can contribute to bad breath.
Poor dental hygiene can also lead to bad breath. Those who don’t brush and floss daily are more likely to develop tooth decay or gum disease, both of which cause a foul smell in the mouth.
Infections in the mouth, nose or throat can lead to bad breath, as can chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, respiratory tract infections and acid reflux, which regurgitates partially digested food back up the esophagus. In addition, certain medications can produce a foul odor, including antibiotics, antidepressants, antihistamines and diuretics.
If you don’t have the time or ability to brush and floss daily, try using a mouthwash that has both antibacterial and fluoride properties. Rinse your mouth with the solution after meals and whenever you are able.
Tonsils, which are located in the upper part of your mouth, can harbor smelly bacteria that can be removed by using a tongue scraper or by gently poking and cleaning them with a cotton swab. You can also gargle with salt water or chew on cloves to freshen your breath and help eliminate the odor-causing bacteria. 해우소한의원
Other causes of bad breath include smoking, alcohol consumption, eating a diet high in sugar and taking prescription medications that affect the salivary glands. These conditions can also cause dry mouth, a condition called xerostomia.
Medications that reduce your body’s production of saliva can cause the odor-causing bacteria in your mouth to grow more rapidly and multiply. For example, antihistamines that dry up the sinuses and the lining of the nose can cause postnasal drip, which can leave a lingering odor in your mouth.
If you’re experiencing a persistent odor in your mouth that doesn’t go away, see your dentist for an oral exam and a thorough assessment of your medical history and dietary habits. If your dentist finds that the odor is due to a medical condition, they can refer you to your family doctor or specialist for further testing and treatment.