Pain is a natural part of dental implant treatment, and it can vary from patient to patient. It’s normal for pain to last for a few days after a surgical procedure, but it’s important to know when your discomfort is out of the ordinary and needs addressing by a dentist. If you are experiencing pain after having a tooth implant placed, you should contact your dental office right away. Depending on the cause of the pain, it can be treated or possibly even prevented.
Immediately after your surgery, it’s normal to feel pain and discomfort as the numbing effects of your dental sedation and local anesthetic wear off. 송파 임플란트 추천In most cases, this pain will peak within the first 24-72 hours of treatment, and can be alleviated with prescription or over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You can also apply ice packs wrapped in towels to the cheek adjacent to the implant site on a 20-minute on/20-minute off schedule throughout the day to help reduce pain and swelling.
It’s also a good idea to avoid hard or chewy foods, and drink only water and soft drinks for the first few days after your procedure. Tougher foods can irritate the gum tissue and interfere with healing, which can result in persistent pain. If you can’t eat soft food, try using a mouth guard to protect your teeth while chewing, and stick to liquids with a low sugar content. You should also refrain from smoking or using tobacco products, as they can negatively affect the healing process.
The pain you feel while eating may be a result of an injury to the nerve running underneath the gum. According to a case report published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, this can occur when the implant touches the nerve and disrupts its function. This type of pain is often persistent and can be difficult to diagnose, but your dentist will be able to advise you on how best to manage it.서울0.1치과의원
You should not spit or use a straw after your procedure, as this can dislodge the blood clot that is forming at the surgical site and lead to complications. Additionally, it’s a good idea to brush and floss gently around the implant sites to prevent infection.
Dental implants are extremely successful and can last for decades with proper care, but the pain you experience after getting them can be a sign of problems that need to be addressed by your dentist. This is especially true if the pain doesn’t subside after a few weeks, and it’s recommended that you make an appointment to determine the cause of your pain.

If you are experiencing pain after having a dental implant placed, you should consult your dentist at Bear Valley Dental Care in Boyertown, PA. Dr. Jashank Sampat can recommend a course of treatment to help you overcome the problem and heal properly. To learn more about the treatment options we offer, including dental implants, contact us today.